Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Now I'm Happy

Fox news is now beginning to launch an attack on Governor Bill Richardson which tells me....he matters. You bet he does you wingnut buttmonkeys, he's the biggest threat to your little nutwing paradise so keep yakking. He can use the free publicity since he does not have the gazillion dollar bankroll some of the others do.

Now if I could just get Anne Coulter and Bill O'Reilly to call him some ugly names........


leftdog said...

Hey - you might be interested to find Gov. Richardson being talked about in Canadian political blogging circles. That is a good sign for his supporters when his name is being touted internationally.

Not Your Mama said...

Whoa, no I didn't know. Thanks bunches for the tip!

pissed off patricia said...

Kinda sad isn't it. Sad but true, if Ann would just call him an ugly name his name would be all over tv. Come on Ann, you must have one more dirty idea you could use to help him.

Flimsy Sanity said...

After all the frontrunners slaughter each other, Mr. Bill can ride over the carnage and take the lead.

BadTux said...

Wow. Fox News really had to dig deep to find a "scandal" here. The New Mexico legislature (gasp) FUNDS A PROJECT THAT MIGHT BENEFIT ONE OF RICHARDSON'S CONTRIBUTORS! Gasp! How DARE the Leg do such a thing!

And Bill, who is NOT a New Mexico legislator, is connected to this because... err.. just because. I mean, c'mon. It's Faux News. It doesn't have to make sense.

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin