Monday, September 17, 2007

Must Be the Lead Paint

Just in case anyone was wondering, no, I do not care about O. J. What is interesting to me is how the media and other people are reacting. I knew we had become a stupid nation, it's becoming abundantly clear we've taken stupid to all time new heights.

At least a half dozen countries are on the verge of flying apart or falling into complete civil war, we have a mentally unstable man with an IQ probably in the "dull normal" range running ours, and then there's that thing with the economy and scenes of Brits lined up for blocks to pull their money out of banks and our "reporters" are all in Las Vegas giving minute by minute updates on a two-bit criminal who but for his prowess on the sports field would have been incarcerated decades ago.

As if that were not enough I get to read from various & sundry sources that this arrest is "racially motivated" and Las Vegas Metro detectives were "drooling" at this golden opportunity to arrest the O.J.

HELLOOOOOOOOO. Point #1: Las Vegas' economy is based on tourism (not white people only tourism), you don't remain a successful tourist mecca by running a redneck-racist police department. Get a clue. Point #2: high profile cases are nothing but a damned headache for any agency having to deal with them, no one "drools" at these "golden opportunities". Point #3: if you do not wish to be arrested in Las Vegas it's pretty simple, simpler in fact than in almost any other major US city. All you have to do is not attempt to rob or assault anyone at gunpoint. Las Vegas cops have more than enough to do without harassing people without good cause, where else could you wander about the streets in a drunken stupor and if stopped, expect to merely be sent back to your room? Try that one in Atlanta or Los Angeles and see how it goes.

Naturally the "news" will continue to cover this matter non-stop for the foreseeable future because it boosts their ratings. Boosts their means that there are millions of Americans who will tune in just to watch this irrelevant sideshow. Does anyone still have any questions as to why our government is as fucked up as it is?

I firmly believe that nations always end up with the governments they deserve so based on the current state of our population my bet would be to expect more idiots. Please feel free to prove me wrong, I'd love to be wrong on this one.


Anonymous said...

The "Northern Rock" exposure was a bit overdone in my opinion, though the BBC did its share. In many towns the NR offices had no queues at all. Northern Rock is a smaller UK version of Countrywide, most of its business is mortgages using money borrowed from other banks. The UK government has stepped in now and guaranteed savers won't lose a penny. The housing market has always been stronger in the UK than the US. I only knew prices to drop once, and that was after they'd risen by around 25% over three years. Even then, they only dropped about 10% temporarily. Being an island, land is scarce so prices stay high. I'd find it difficult to afford to live there now. The price of an average-sized detached house in the area I lived is now around $475,000.
As for O.J. Simpson, it's typical of the news media to splurge that and forget the real issues. We all tend to draw our information from the media and most don't bother to check out the authenticity or otherwise. They just assume its truthful and unbiased. People in the Western world have grown lazy, preferring to let others to do their thinking for them. And yes, we do get the governments we deserve. If we all got off our backsides and marched to demand our rights, closed down industries by striking until the corporates came to their senses, then we'd truly get the government we deserved, and the health system we deserved, and maybe even the start of a peaceful world and a chance of reversing global warming.

But isn't it just easier to watch CNN?

Not Your Mama said...

If they want to cover a crime I'd be more interested in following the case of the inbred hillbillies in W VA who held the woman hostage. Now there's a story, not one, not two, but an entire family of perverted lunatics.

Seriously though, I'm waiting to see if Iraq makes good on kicking out Blackwater. Oh, and wether or not Bernanke will be crowned king tomorrow.

Bob Keller said...

nym..... You are spot on right about this one....

Our three cable "news channels" are a disgrace......

TomCat said...

The Broadcast MSM doesn't care how they distract people from thought on what matters. News is a thing of the past. We now chose between infotainment and infoganda.

Christopher Chambers said...

If Bugsy Siegel could see Vegas now, he'd probably puke. No way to get more of an angle tha the huge corporations have now. But black market sports memorabilia--now that's something that attracts true scumbags. Who but lunatics with nothing better to do (like OJ), the Goldman Family and the Mafia would give a crap about OJ stuff?

As for your major premise don't let Brits off the hook too easily. Yes there's the BBC and then there's pieces of shit like Murdoch, but Murdoch got more money than God by shoveling tabloid stuff to a population that would rather have the pablum. Their nation is crawling with Islamic students wh want to blow up stuff because white British girls won't sleep with them, the baning system's about to collapse, they are holding their d**cks in Iraq, yet all eyes are on the McCanns, a dead little girl and Robert Branson?

Not Your Mama said...

Don't really disagree that much that the UK has gone as looney as we have, I just don't feel any special need to pound on them since I don't live there ;). I'm confident they have their own cranky old women to do that.

You're right about Vegas too. It does serve a function though, it's a magnet for every asshat in the country so it helps keep them concentrated in one place and out of everyone elses' hair.

Christopher Chambers said...

I'm curious about the "asshat" and "assmonkey" references in your blog. What's the origins? My wife swears it's all a ripoff of "Michael Bolton's" ASSCLOWN in "Office Space." The actor who played him basically made the word on that take and director left it in.

Not Your Mama said...

Honestly I have no idea where/when someone came up with them. It's been at least 15 or 20 years since my adult children can recall being told to "stop acting like an assmonkey".

Flimsy Sanity said...

So Vegas is US flypaper?

Not Your Mama said...

I'm sure it will make me ever-more unpopular for saying so but: yes.

Anonymous said...

Don't often feel the need to stick up for the old country (I still haven't forgiven it for what it did to India and Iraq, and a host of other nations it economically raped in the "days of empire") but I do take umbrage -I love that word! - with the comment that the UK was responsible for Murdoch. He's an Australian and an American citizen. Yes, we educated him, but after practicing establishing a gutter press in Britain he then moved to the US and honed his art on the likes of Fox News, one of America's favorite channels. That was the only part of his comment I wished to clarify. Frankly, the rest was too stupid and ill-informed to waste further time on.