The Ultimate Fixer-Upper
I'm not terribly excited about which democrat wins the nomination because there is one thing I believe all of them get.....that we can't keep ignoring domestic matters. This alone puts all of them ahead of all the republican candidates who are too busy looking for Osama under their beds to care if American children go to bed on full stomachs or if they even have a bed of their own to go to.
Then too I have my doubts about how much even the most dedicated president will be able to accomplish given the fact they'll have the peanut gallery we call congress to deal with. I hope for the best but plan for the worst.
All of this led me to contemplate the faux news conference held by FEMA. Hold yer horses before you scream....they just might be on to something there. Maybe we ought to just go with a faux government altogether. They could issue faux statements, hold faux press conferences, pass faux resolutions that do absolutely nothing and basically just let the rest of us deal with the problems on the ground. Oh wait, that's already happening. The only thing we need to do is eliminate the presidents ability to actually act upon any of his positions and we'll have this mess all sewed up. We'll make him some foreign Head-of-State avatars he can teleconference with on the internets to keep him occupied. Faux news can be in charge of covering all the proceedings.
In the meantime the rest of us can begin going about the business of doing what needs to be done. I think this might just be a do-it-yourself project.
Sounds to me like you're advocating government of the people, for the people, by the people. Now, there's a novel idea.
I advocate ignoring the government as much as possible and doing whatever it is you can do to improve the situation.
Government is never going to be anything but the sum total of the wisdom of our collective bell curve, in simple English, mediocre on a good day.
Folks, we are going through some truly tough days. I have never seen this coyote angrier.
Can't we just outsource this? Or better yet swing by Home Depot and pick up some Mexicans?
DIY is the only way any of us have a chance, I think.
The only Dem that really worries me is Hillary. To deal with domestic matters, it's necessary to spread the benefits of society across all levels of the pyramid, and I think she's too focused on and indebted to the corporate capstone to do that.
Some things just take a collective effort. Government may be lousy, but I just believe turning their function over to private entities is even more expensive and less reliable. Meet you at the I35 bridge. Bring a bucket of cement.
Das war ziemlich vorausgesetzt, es gibt eine Menge draußen warten nur auf der rechten Seite.
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