Thursday, April 03, 2008

Who Watches This Stuff?

I've been trying to watch anything but the news this week and I've had way too much time on my hands minus the visiting grandchildren but this is not working out very well at all.

Just a few random thoughts:

Lewis Black ought to have stuck with stand-up because The Root of All Evil is about as smart and cutting edge as the writings in the average public bathroom stall.

Do I need to even mention the major networks? Slop operas, reality shows or crime dramas ad infinitum.

Daytime television should probably be outlawed.

When did the slop opera lives of people operating a tattoo parlor become fodder for a channel calling itself "The Learning Channel"? Learning what, how to be a clueless dimwit? Not sure which is worse, that or the one where you follow around a couple of chunkheads with gazillion children.

If there were a Jerry Springer Award I'd give it to VH-1. What I'd really like to see is a documentary on the people who actually watch this stuff, now THAT might be entertaining.

Ladies, if you wonder why "men do not respect us" just flip channels for a bit. We're portrayed either half naked wearing naught but a pound of make-up or put together and successful but eternally whining.

I finally watched The View. For an entire 15 minutes. Never again.

Telemundo is about the only station that regularly features people who look like your friends and neighbors but that's assuming your friends and neighbors also dress like hookers.

Japanese shows are terrific because you can make up your own dialogue. None of mine would make it past the censors.

I'm off to watch stock tickers, see you later.


Woozie said...

I love Lewis Black's standup and I love Back in Black on the Daily Show but it's good to see I'm not the only one who thinks The Root of All Evil is the root of all evil.

Have you ever seen Current TV?

Not Your Mama said...

Ya, I expected better out of him too. Embarassingly bad.

Nope, haven't seen Current TV. almost anything would have to be better than all of the above. Going to take up sitting in front of the local brothel and running license plates.

Anonymous said...

The Root of all Evil is dreadful; a real disappointment. Black is one of the few stand-up American comedians I enjoy - and understand!

Mama, you obviously need a hobby. Have you thought about taking up blogging?

Woozie said...

It's great, it's a series of short videos (they call them pods)about two to seven minutes long by people people about every *intelligent* topic imaginable. They've got a website, I think it is, if you want to check out their content.

Not Your Mama said...

Noooooooooo, not blogging!!! Let me try this Current thing, has to be better.

ryk said...

It's the reality TV that gets me. It's nothing but glorification of the tasteless and tawdry, but people watch it by the millions. It's mind-boggling.

Flimsy Sanity said...

Frontline, Bill Moyers Journal, 60 Minutes, Daily Show and Colbert Report are all on the internet. Who needs a TV?

RJ is right. We need more of your opinions more often.

Anonymous said...

This post is dead on. I gave the Root of All Evil a shot. Once. It was horrible. The other crap, I can't subject myself to watching garbage.


Woozie said...

好秘书 中国呼吸网 肿瘤网 中国皮肤网 癌症康复网 工作总结 个人工作总结 半年工作总结 年终工作总结 单位工作总结 教师工作总结 教学工作总结 学校工作总结 德育工作总结 财务工作总结 医务工作总结 安全工作总结 乡镇工作总结 党员工作总结 团委工作总结 公司工作总结 实习工作总结 班主任工作总结 党支部工作总结 办公室工作总结 学生会工作总结 总结报告 工作报告 政府报告 述职报告 述廉报告 考察报告 自查报告 情况报告 调研报告 调查报告 申请报告 辞职报告 实习报告 验收报告 评估报告 汇报体会 工作汇报 思想汇报 汇报材料 情况通报 情况汇报 心得体会 学习心得 工作心得 培训心得 读后感 发言致辞 发言稿 开业开幕 领导讲话 动员讲话 庆典致辞 节日致词 新春致词 晚会致辞 追悼词 节目游戏 毕业致辞 思想宣传 组织人事 晚会主持词 会议主持词 婚礼主持词 常用书信 表扬信 感谢信 倡议书 责任书 承诺书 检讨书 申请书 保证书 决心书 悔过书 建议书 慰问信 邀请函 条据书信 礼仪文书 贺电贺词 社交礼仪 个人礼仪 商务礼仪 职场礼仪 涉外礼仪 饮食礼仪 节日礼仪 婚庆礼仪 鲜花礼仪 其他礼仪 交际礼仪 秘书 呼吸机 氧气机 婉转的夜曲 淋过雨的空气 带著一根烟.浪迹天涯

ryk said...

Yeah! What Woozie said.

Not Your Mama said...


Vigilante said...

Please vote in my Instant Recount Voting (IRV) ballot on the next Vice-President of the United States!

Anonymous said...

I still keep checking, hoping you will speak again.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"I still keep checking, hoping you will speak again."

As do I.

I do hope she's not been abducted by aliens or the FBI.

ryk said...

Maybe she's out knocking on doors and passing out leaflets for Obama. Too busy making a difference to spend time entertaining us.