Monday, October 30, 2006

Enough With the Proselytizing

I had just posted a comment on another blog about one of my own experiences with a door-to-door religion salesperson and not an hour later, lo & behold, they have now invaded my telephone.

What part of "I might not want you to call me and ask me what I think will happen when Jesus returns to earth" are you not understanding?

I've steadfastly refused to let them in the gate, planted bee-attracting plants by said gate to discourage attempts to reach my door (now they leave pamphlets on the gate & run), and short of being profane (out of respect for them, I am quite proficient in the use of profanity, thank you) or pointing a gun at them, have done all I can think of to discourage them.

So, evidently some bright-monkey amongst them has looked up our telephone number. 'Course their number showed up on my caller ID. I'm seriously tempted to call them back and ask them to attend a meeting of Cranky Old People for Satan but I'm trying to behave and ranting here instead. For now.

Love to know if this is some new tactic being employed on the highly resistive or if I was just the lucky recipient of this brilliant ploy. Had I stayed on the phone longer I wonder if my message from Jesus would have been followed by an endorsement for the Republican party. 50/50 odds on that.

Must we now add proselytizers to the "Do Not Call" law? Maybe we should, then while we're at it we can claim our right to go into stores and other businesses without being pestered and our right not to have our car windshields plastered with "I Love Jesus" stickers. It's either that or I may have to start showing up on their doorsteps bright & early on Saturday mornings eager to impart my worldview and explain the progressively more horrible fates that await them if they do not do as I say. Starting with my size 9 foot in their ass.


leftdog said...

"It's either that or I may have to start showing up on their doorsteps bright & early on Saturday mornings eager to impart my worldview and explain the progressively more horrible fates that await them if they do not do as I say. Starting with my size 9 foot in their ass."
