Thursday, May 24, 2007

Osama is Bush's Mama

In case anyone was in doubt about who has been running the show here.

There are over 300 million of us. We have the most destructive war toys on the planet, just ask the Japanese. We have a huge chunk of the money in the world too. What are we so afraid of?


beepbeepitsme said...

Thanks for adding me to your blogroll. I have also added you to mine.

Woozie said...

That doesn't sound like OBL...I think this video is fake.

Not Your Mama said...

Yeah, it's probably Rush Limbaugh in disguise.

Vigilante said...

Extremely linkable, NY Mama. These are irregular times, aren't they?

TomCat said...

Excellent vid. The only part with which I would disagree is the claim that he was a nobody before 911. In the 1980s he was enough of a somebody for the Reagan Administration give him $300 million to help him form a terrorist network to direct against the USSR.

Not Your Mama said...

I'm sure the 28 Percent People have rationalizations and excuses for why their Ultimate Big Daddy did that.

I wish they'd just dig him up and kiss his skeletal hiney and shut up already. Pathetic.

TomCat said...

Amen to that.