Speaking of "presence" being in the eye of the beholder, I've never either disliked or liked the queen because royalty has about as much to do with my life as a Martian soil sample but....someone please explain to me, what was she thinking when she put that easter basket on her head???
Update: I have to give her credit, easter basket or no, she is ever so much more attractive than our own Gollum as seen at Sparrow Chat.
The older she gets, the more I realize she looks exactly like my mother did when she was roughly the same age.
Eerie. No hat on Mom though.
Dear Mama, those baskets have a very important function in the life of the queen and that of some others, better than the hoi-poloi. I don't suppose, you expect her to be running around with her 25 lb crown on whole day, do you? Easter baskets, wedding cakes and in some instances ( I am not quite sure of the proper order) bird nests are as valuable for a real lady as is the red nose for a real clown. It's that precense thing again, I suppose.
That's it exactly. Not really poking fun at her, she didn't ask to be born the queen of England. We did this to the poor woman then forced her to wear silly hats so we could satisfy our need to worship. No wonder celebrities think we're asshats.
Hmmm, forced her to be Queen? OK. Forced her to wear the silly hats? I'm not buying it.
just sayin'....
Like she ever had a choice about her life? It was written out for her before she was even conceived.
I think you're jolly unfair on poor Gollum. No-one's ever given him the opportunity to wear a fancy hat like that. In a nice ermine robe and diamond tiara, I bet he'd look the spittin' image of....eh.....no.......sorry, I was wrong. He'd still look like Dick Cheney!
Could go for a historical note and have him drawn and quartered.
I think all this is a waste of time, energy, and money.
Ah The Great Shape Shifter of the 20th Century Looks More and More Like a Lizard Every Day, Its Amazing How She Holds It Together Under The Constant Admiration - Its Got To be The False Teeth and The Fake Smile and The Well Practiced Wave Always From a Distance... Up Close and Personal- A Totally Different Story The Bad Breath is The Give Away- Slime Slime...!!!
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