Just a Few Weird Random Thoughts
I don't know if this has not occurred to anyone or if it's simply too politically incorrect to speculate upon but....has it not crossed anybody elses mind that Bill Clinton may not really want his wife to win? I mean c'mon people, Bill is many things but clueless about how some of his recent remarks would play out would not be on the list. Bill Clinton of all people knew exactly what kind of reaction his words would get so I have to at least entertain the possibility that his motives may have been other than what they might appear at first glance.
I've heard the "he's outta control" explanation from every talking head on the planet but it just doesn't stand up to closer scrutiny. We've all seen Bill "outta control" before and even then he is not that stupid. Unless someone can convince me he's taken up smoking a crack pipe I'm going to have to go with my gut here and assume his motive was "other".
Next weird random thought: um, helloooooo....Ted Kennedy may have been the story in Washington but across much of main street America Caroline is the story. Little insider tip to my party leaders: huge numbers of lifelong Democratic voters, particularly in the west, do not even like Ted Kennedy. Never have. We put up with him because he's still better than a Republican but we do not now nor have we ever liked him. We love Caroline. That said, I give him props for a great speech that managed to inspire me in spite of it coming out of Teddy's mouth. Bonus points for not making me barf. Now send Caroline on the campaign trail and see what happens.
Speaking of a Kennedy-esque moment, it crossed my mind that I would hate to be the grandparent who had to admit in retrospect that I did not vote for him but supported that other guy. Talk about losing face as the wizened elder, you want your grandkids to have to use the old "well, you know gran was from a different time" excuse? I'll take a pass on that, thanks.