Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Just a Few Weird Random Thoughts

I don't know if this has not occurred to anyone or if it's simply too politically incorrect to speculate upon but....has it not crossed anybody elses mind that Bill Clinton may not really want his wife to win? I mean c'mon people, Bill is many things but clueless about how some of his recent remarks would play out would not be on the list. Bill Clinton of all people knew exactly what kind of reaction his words would get so I have to at least entertain the possibility that his motives may have been other than what they might appear at first glance.

I've heard the "he's outta control" explanation from every talking head on the planet but it just doesn't stand up to closer scrutiny. We've all seen Bill "outta control" before and even then he is not that stupid. Unless someone can convince me he's taken up smoking a crack pipe I'm going to have to go with my gut here and assume his motive was "other".

Next weird random thought: um, helloooooo....Ted Kennedy may have been the story in Washington but across much of main street America Caroline is the story. Little insider tip to my party leaders: huge numbers of lifelong Democratic voters, particularly in the west, do not even like Ted Kennedy. Never have. We put up with him because he's still better than a Republican but we do not now nor have we ever liked him. We love Caroline. That said, I give him props for a great speech that managed to inspire me in spite of it coming out of Teddy's mouth. Bonus points for not making me barf. Now send Caroline on the campaign trail and see what happens.

Speaking of a Kennedy-esque moment, it crossed my mind that I would hate to be the grandparent who had to admit in retrospect that I did not vote for him but supported that other guy. Talk about losing face as the wizened elder, you want your grandkids to have to use the old "well, you know gran was from a different time" excuse? I'll take a pass on that, thanks.


ryk said...

You have to remember, Bill is from Arkansas. He speaks fluent bubba. His remarks most likely helped Hillary in many of the Southern states. Sad, but true.

Woozie said...

I couldn't get past Ted saying "Americer". I laughed when his brother said "Cuber", too.

Not Your Mama said...

Dunno but even most of them don't like their prejudices made public, y'know? It's one of those "we don't talk about these things, dear" things.

Wooz, I live in Nev-ahhd-er hehe.

Woozie said...

I live in Maryland :(

I imagine W would say Murrland.

willy said...

Ted Kennedy besides being a liquor sink,is also a master womananizer.And don't forget about the woman he killed years ago it is just like putting a gun to her head.So he got away with killing someone just becouse he was a Kennedy.I don't care about his endorsement. Hillary Clinton is the best one for the job.

Vigilante said...

I don't care what you say, willy. Hillary is not the best man for the job.

Not Your Mama said...

Well Willy, that was simply....idiotic. Considering I just said I couldn't stand Ted Kennedy...WTF was your point?

Vote for whoever you please, not my job to try and convince anyone which is why I *comment* on a blog and am not a politician. I do not have the patience or temperment to try and teach pigs to sing.

Just My Thoughts said...

Willy? Ive heard Mr. Clinton called that at times.....Me thinks I smell a conflict of interest here...lmao.

The Fabulous Kitty Glendower said...

Yes, it did cross my mind. He is just as capable of having a deep hatred for women, including his wife as the next man. However, if he doesn’t want her to win I don’t think he is conscious of it yet. If he becomes conscious of his desire to keep her in the almost position (he was in the position) he would fumble and not be able to hide it because he does at least, at times, try to do the right thing.

The Fabulous Kitty Glendower said...

btw, I'm in the west and Caroline has never done anything for me.

Vigilante said...

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?

The Ultimate Betrayal Felt by Women Everywhere: Senator Ted Kennedy Betrays Women by Not Standing for Hillary Clinton for President. Courtesy StarSpangledHaggis.

Flimsy Sanity said...

In my opinion, Bill is just playing "bad cop" and I think he likes being the center of attention. All the polls say it will be Hillary and McCain (though they are wrong sometimes). Two warmongers - just GREAT!

TomCat said...

The thought did cross my mind, but I don't think so. In my opinion, Bill is saying what Hillary's handlers want said, but that Hillary cannot get away with saying herself.

Not Your Mama said...

Vigilante: I do not feel "betrayed" at all and I'm going to take a pass on reading that and save myself some indigestion and a possible stroke ;). If anyone is "betraying" Senator Clinton it's her nearest & dearest so if she is being victimized it's by her own choice of mate. I'd have kicked his slutty ass to the curb years ago.

The whole argument is as ridiculous as saying that Maxine Waters is endorsing Clinton because she hates black people.

I've never liked NOW. Their survival as an organization depends upon women remaining real or perceived "victims" and I've never been down with being a victim. If they really wanted to stop the victimization of women they would focus their efforts on poor women who often do not have any choices other than between bad and worse.

Continuous whining from affluent, college educated women who vacation at Club Med is not helpful.

Vigilante said...


For continuous whining from affluent, college educated women who vacation at Club Med, visit Taylor Marsh.

Not Your Mama said...

Vigilante, is there some reason you want me to have a stroke & die dear? Apparently you missed the posts I once did about that person-who-I-will-no-longer-name. How big of a loser do you have to be to masquerade as a teenager on MySpace?

Talk about sexist discrimination, if she were a man she'd be arrested for that.

Not Your Mama said...

BTW: while we're talking about sexism....do you know some of the Clinton campaigners were calling my house and asking for "the man of the house", refused to speak with me or leave a message.

Rather funny strategy for a candidate supposed to be "the womens' candidate" dontcha think?

Vigilante said...

'Dis iz da primaries, Mama. I'm jes' tryin' to toughen youz up for da big enchilada!

cls said...

NYM - This is waaay off topic, but I'll be down in Pahrump for the NSDP meeting next Saturday. Any recommendations for accommodations? My email addy on my blog is good.

Or just post your answer here.


Not Your Mama said...

You only have 3 options here: Best Western, Saddle West, or The Nugget. Don't thnk there is a tremendous difference between them iin quality, price or location so basically you can flip a coin.

dmarks said...

Neither Clinton or McCain is a warmonger.

As for Ted Kennedy, I remember a recent speech by him in which he specifically and clearly praised the bright young senator from Illinois, "Obama bin Laden".

cls said...

Thanks NYM. Looks like my friend and I will be at the Saddle West.