Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sometimes I Mistake My Granddaughters for Snipers

I've been busy operating under sniper fire this week so haven't had much time to post. Err, sorry, I misspoke, actually I've been held hostage by a pair of toddling grandchildren. Small children, snipers, all the same thing right? Maybe I'm just sleep deprived. Sorry but I didn't have quite enough time to pencil in bringing peace to the Middle East or curing cancer.

Meanwhile back at the ranch it looks like She-Who-Saved-the-Free-World has been busy with her good friends at Fox, reassuring asshats across the nation that she will not cease and desist until she has successfully destroyed any chance of a Democrat being elected in November. Excuse me for not getting overly excited about this tidbit, after all, what the hell did anyone suppose she would do? If she can't have it she'll do everything possible to make sure no one else can either. The only question remaining is whether or not voters will fall for it and I'm not going to try and guess that one. Bets anyone?


Vigilante said...

What HRC has in common with GWB is the this 'my way or the highway' attitude. And they will see to it that the highway is strewn with wreckage behind them.

Just My Thoughts said...

Well said Vigilante.

Anonymous said...

Also that we would do without your very good phrase

Anonymous said...

The matchless phrase, is pleasant to me :)

Anonymous said...

Excuse, I have thought and have removed a question

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